The morning after a crazy bachelor party, three friends find themselves without memory of the night or the bachelor. They spend the next day piecing the night together trying to find their best friend before his wedding.
The plot is rather simple and echoes Dude, Where's My Car a little too much for my taste. Nevertheless, it blows most expectations out of the water. The movie is very reminiscent of the classic "guy movie" comedies like Animal House. The content may be crude and obscene, but the laughs come from timing and delivery, not simply just spewing expletives very loudly. Will Ferrell could learn a thing or two from this flick.
The casting is top notch. Combining 3 guys who have very different senses of humor could lead to destruction, but they worked incredibly well off each other. All three guys (Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis) shine. I see them becoming very popular. Bradley Cooper is already being name dropped for 2 very high profile action movies (Green Lantern and A-Team), and Zach is cast in what I think will be a star making role. Already a fan of his stand-up, I enjoyed his performance the best. His outrageous observational comedy translated very well into the film. The filmmakers were very smart to sign these guys up for a sequel before they get too expensive. I doubt a sequel will happen, but considering Todd Philips, the director, has already made that mistake with Old School, he's not taking any chances this time.
The Hangover is a laugh riot and in my opinion will probably be the best comedy this year. I reccomened everyone see it.

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