Sam Witwicky finds himself intertwined in another cosmic battle between good and evil alien robots when a shard of the All Spark downloads important information into his head.
I think it should be said that I love the first one. It was summer blockbuster at its best. Fun, action-packed, humorous, and never too serious. This one takes those elements and multiplies them by 1000. Michael Bay continues his reputation of complete lack of control turning into an almost parody of himself. I like to think that that means something coming from me considering I have defended for almost everything but this and The Island.
One of the biggest problems this movie had was too many robots. Hard to keep track at times, but too many of them faded into obscurity, especially the ones we got to know during the first movie. Even Bumblebee seemed downplay, and he is arguably the man robot. Unfortunately tons of cool robots were given up in favor of two dimwit twin robots.
Actors were very similar to the robots. Obviously Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox were in the foreground, but the straightman father, the cool soldiers and hackers were given up for in favor of a boisterous wannabe hacker and an even boisterous John Turturro, who plays the ultimate cheesball. As well as a mother who sexuality and accidental drug use proved for more annoying than humourous.
The story itself had a lot of potential, robot gods and a strong Cybertronian history on Earth, but all the parts just didn't click. 6/10

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