"Now that we are in a parallel existence with what fans of the original series love so much, we could introduce any number of characters, settings, references and situations that the original series introduced. Dealing with Khan would certainly be a challenge, but we had an equal challenge in finding our crew of the Enterprise."
For those who don't know, Khan is the antagonist of episode "Space Seed" and the very popular movie Star Trek: Wrath of Khan. Khan is one of many genetically engineered supermen gaining a lot of power during the Eugenics War until he was forced to flee Planet Earth is cryo-sleep aboard S.S. Botany Bay with a number of other supermen. Give me a minute to recuperate, that geekiness was astoundingly exhausting.
Anyways, considering the new Star Trek has set itself on an alternate timeline from the original series, they are free to revisit any of the originals former plot points in (fingers crossed) new and exciting ways. According to Abrams and pretty much common sense, Khan, one of the more popular and dramatic exploits of the Enterprise crew, is bound to show up. But who will play him?
Banderas seems like a good idea. He certainly has the habit of melodrama, but still has the potential for great performances, just like Ricardo Montalbaun. Plus he could be thrown a bone. I cannot remember the last good movie he was in.
And than theres always the new go to guy villain after his incredibly frightening performance in No Country for Old Men. Bardem has definitely solidified his place in cinema history, only good things should come of it.
Of course, I think the truly best bet is to throw out all possible contenders. With the newest Star Trek, I think Abrams proved to be one of the better judges of talent out there.

Anyways, considering the new Star Trek has set itself on an alternate timeline from the original series, they are free to revisit any of the originals former plot points in (fingers crossed) new and exciting ways. According to Abrams and pretty much common sense, Khan, one of the more popular and dramatic exploits of the Enterprise crew, is bound to show up. But who will play him?
Banderas seems like a good idea. He certainly has the habit of melodrama, but still has the potential for great performances, just like Ricardo Montalbaun. Plus he could be thrown a bone. I cannot remember the last good movie he was in.
And than theres always the new go to guy villain after his incredibly frightening performance in No Country for Old Men. Bardem has definitely solidified his place in cinema history, only good things should come of it.
Of course, I think the truly best bet is to throw out all possible contenders. With the newest Star Trek, I think Abrams proved to be one of the better judges of talent out there.
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