1. The Rapper
Eminem is known mostly for being an incredibly successful yet controversial Caucasian rapper. While finding success, he has also gained a reputation of being egotistical and ill-mannered. Yet he showed some serious charisma and dramatic chops in his 2002 effort, 8 Mile, a film based on his own lift in Detroit. In Funny People, he was also able to lampoon himself, a trait that usually hints at a good sense of humor and humble self-awareness, characteristics not originally associated with Eminem.

2. The Wrestler
Chris Jericho
Wrestlers are always the most suspicious when it comes to film. The Rock could be called the most successful wrestler turned actor, but his talent in my opinion is limited to the light-hearted action-adventurers as seen in The Rundown and Walking Tall, but so far he has leaned on scene-chewing comedic timing and melodramatic acting. Chris Jericho seems to me to have the same kind of presence and charisma of The Rock that helped jumpstart his carreer.

3. The Rockstar
Dave Grohl
When the Foo Fighters agreed to do VH1's "Storytellers." the producers needed to make sure they knew that they needed to talk during their performance. The Foo Fighters' management laughed becuase Grohl has a big personality and is known for talking. A LOT! Grohl has that screen presence and charisma to enter a situation such as filming and knock it out of the park. His appearance in his videos and in Tenacious D's videoes depicts someone with a great sense of humor.

4. The Porn Star
Sasha Grey
Sure Sasha Grey is known for her adult film career, but surprse, surprise, she can actually act. Look no further than The Girlfriend Experience, a Stephen Soderbergh picture, one that is brutally honest portrayal of life. Grey is also a very big cinephile (get your mind out of the gutter, pervert, it means movie lover). She has a love of French film and trippy indie pictures. It means little as far as talent, but there is certainly some passion there.

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