It is 117 A.D. and the impressive Roman army is struggling to contain the Picts, the Celtic inhabitants of the Scottish highlands. One centurion, Dias (Michael Fassbender) is captured during a raid on a Roman outpost. He is later saved by The Ninth Legion who are making their way through the highlands using a Pictish guide, Etain (Olga Kurylenko). Once they are deep enough, Etain makes her move. She and her tribe descend on the army and deplete their ranks with ease. The remaining soldiers must brave the winter Scottish landscape and the increasingly deceptive Picts with their ever-improving guerrilla tactics to make it home. If only they knew where home was?
Michael Fassbender has a steadfast resolve fitting the soldier archetype but adding a kindness behind his eyes necessary for a likable protagonist. He is balanced out by Dominic West's smug swagger regardless of its fleeting nature. Olga makes up for the loss of her tongue with a quiet ferocity. The soldiers had great chemistry. Like real brothers, these brothers-in-arms are blunt and rude, as is the story. The cold landscape is covered with mud and blood. The violence and gore constantly reminds you that a successful horror director is behind this period piece showing no mercy to the victims of battle. While Fassbender and his love interest, Imogen Poots, perform admirably as individuals, their "love at first sight" relationship never feels genuine.
The movie dares to ask the question "where is home?" Dominic West and his men feel most comfortable in war, but Fassbender doesn't. They all have the same bravery and nobility, but I felt Fassbender was always looking to lay roots. Despite being bullied by Picts, Poots never leaves her home on their land, while Etain fights her way out of Roman hands to get back with her people. For roaming soldiers, such a question could be very deep, but it is never fully explored.
The Centurion has a decent premise with a fascinating question to answer, but seems wasted on violence and hamfisted Hollywood romance. It is still an entertaining thriller with some really great looking visuals and consistently performing actors.

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