Friday, March 27, 2009

Comic Creator Dream Projects

Here are some comic writers and projects I wish they were working on

Grant Morrison-Aquaman
Morrison loves his mythology. His JLA resembling the classic Greek pantheon. The trippy deconstruction of Batman's origins. The high-concept Seven Soldiers, which you should have read already. If Morrison got his hands on Aquaman pre-52 mutation and alternate A.C. bullshit, he would have invigorated it. Just to see what he could do with the Aruthurian legend homages, the magical possibilities of the water bearer hand, and the sword and sandal but underwater tone would be worth him taking it on.

Geoff Johns- Justice League of America
The teams of DC have been struggling for a long time now. Crisis shake-ups stop the teams from staying consistent. McKeever, who's run I have enjoyed, is getting Teen Titans on a good path, and already 2 issues in and this new Outsiders is much better than the Outsiders have ever been. JLA still needs tons of work. Johns handles the Green Lantern mythos with grace and added upon it making it much grander. Although Johns also has far too much love for the characters he grew up with rather than where they evolved up to this point. In other words: buh-bye Wally, Welcome back, Barry! (Sorry Barry fans, Wally will always be the best)

Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost- Deadpool
As shown in their X-Force and New X-Men runs, Yost and Kyle like killing and action. They are like the Michael Bay of comic writing. They keep it interesting enough to sell, but fluffy enough to not make an impact on any other level but pure popcorn entertainment value. Their knack for violence and their sick sense of humor would actually be welcomed in Deadpool, as long as the hard work put into making him an impressive character during his time in Cable and Deadpool is not undone by their style.

Dan Slott- Teen Titans
I got a lot of love for McKeever's Titans run, but there needs some more direction. Slott's ability to write cool young characters in a learning environment (a la Avengers: Initiative) is obviously the strongest case for him to write Titans, but he also has a great balance of humor and adventure seen through his work on Spiderman and Mighty Avengers (2 issues in and already better than everything Bendis has done with Avengers)

Ed Brubaker- The Question II
Montoya as the Question is an interesting concept. I miss Vic especially after a reimergence thanks to Bruce Timm and Co., but Montoya has a lot of potential. She has yet to reach that, appearing in mediocre titles, at best. Brubaker's pension for crime action and drama, and high concept storylines with endings that do not dissapoint could put this new faceless detective ahead of the cruve.

Mark Millar- X-Force
I like the concept of X-Force. X-Men wetworks team. It's one of the greatest portrayals of Wolverine, strong, confident, aggressive, but pensive on his own actions and his teammates keeping them in check. Add some more Weapon X-ers a la Deadpool and Fantomex and the team could really excel. Millar's Ultimates had a great sense of maturity but wasn't afraid to pull punches when necessary. That's the kind of thing X-Force needs; a little more relevancy, rather than being a random action title.

Thats it for now. More to come later..............................maybe.

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