With Batman on the run, the mob and the law will both be looking for him. Prime spot for a hired gun.
Chances: None. The character is devoid of a lot of the eccentricities that a Bat-Rogue usually entails. In the hired gun department there are simply better choices
Casting: Too hot of a commodity especially with comic flicks, but Mickey Rourke all the way.

Nothing to challenge a hero like a freak with brute force. Probably too dumb to carry a flick like The Dark Knight though
Chances: Pretty good as a henchman, but do not expect too much.
Casting: Kevin Durand

Gotham City Police Department will surely be following the Bats considering the end of Dark Knight. But do they pose a big enough threat especially considering their boss is on his side
Chances: 100% they'll be involved, but not in the capacity this list is emplying.
Casting: Michael Madsen as Bullock please!

Batman's eternal love interest come back for revenge for her father's death with the entire League of Shadows behind her.
Chances: 50/50. Great character with full circle appeal but I feel her direction does not correspond with the ending of The Dark Knight.
Casting: Kate Beckinsale. Uninspired but she'll do for now.

After the shake-up the mob got from the Joker, there is a huge hole left. Fill it with the Penguin. Frankly, I do not think he is a big enough threat to carry an ENTIRE movie.
Chances: 50/50. Nolan and Co. seem hesitant on continuing if characters already portrayed. If seen I think he should be in a role similar to Eric Roberts' in the last one.
Casting: David Suchet. Spitting fuckin' image.

By nature, he is ripe for a return. By nature, he is also pretty much the perfect Batman Rogue. Strong, skilled, intelligent, and has intimate knowledge of Bruce's psychology.
Chances: I have no clue. I think Nolan likes the character but he has stayed away from the unrealistic nature of Batman.
Casting: Liam Neeson of course.

Too good to pass up. Fights Batman with his mind instead of with violence. Allows Batman to do some detective work, something the series has lacked.
Chances: Pretty good in my opinion. He may have already been used but his potential for noir atmosphere and crossover to the "Nolanverse" pretty well.
Casting: Casey Affleck. Or anyone but that Mr. E guy from Dark Knight.

Bane CAN be interesting. He's got a lot of potential miles beyond the Batman and Robin portrayal. It would be a great one on one for Batman. Just like Cain and GCPD, he can also be used to go after the now fugitive Bat.
Chances: Slim. Slimmer than my liking. He's been used before, but poorly. And his nature is a tad unrealistic, but could be easily adapted.
Casting: Put some big dude in the mask and have Javier Bardem voice him Darth Vader style.

Joker and Two Face are done. Rachel is done. Batman is out a nemesis and a love interest. Who better to fill both roles than Catwoman.
Chances: Slim as main villain. Damn good as part time rogue, full time love interest.
Casting: Michelle Monaghan. Spunky attitude, slinky build. How can you say no?

In my opinion, Deadshot is the best candidate for "The Hunt for The Bat." Lots of attitude. The antithesis to Batman (sorta). The character is really charismatic, and can be portrayed as both anti-hero and rogue if necessary.
Chances: Almost zip with WB planning a Suicide Squad flick with 'shot as a member of the team.
Casting: Timothy Olyphant. Think Go not Hitman.
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