Monday, November 2, 2009

Hidden Gem: Sublime

Raw Feed, a direct-to-DVD genre branch of Warner Brothers, presents Sublime, a story centered around George Grieves, an average Joe family man, checking into a hospital for a routine operation. Complications ensue due to Grieves having a similar name to another patient, complications that send him into a never-ending nightmare of his greatest fears blurring the borders of reality. Beginning with the more probable complications, it slowly builds into much stranger realms.

Tom Cavanaugh plays George Grieves. Cavanaugh is known mostly for his comedic/dramedy work starring in a number of failed tv shows with small but loyal fanbases. He really gets to shine here as a voice of reason and skepticism during the entire flick, but maintains a sense of fear and paranoia. If the material was a little better quality than Cavanaugh could be looking at a performance to rival Sam Rockwell in Moon.

The story delivers serious spine-chills and creeps instead of the jump-out-of-your-seat spooks that modern horror fans have become accustomed too. The pacing is undeniably slow, but I feel it compliments the context of the story.


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