Does Brandon Routh look like a spitting image of Superman? He sure as hell does, but what many don't seem to realize is that is a movie, not a photo shoot. Looking like Superman only gets you so far. Sooner of later you are going to have the dramatic talent to hold up a movie where you are the title character unlike Routh who was downgraded to a supporting cast member in his own movie.
It was bad enough the Brian Singer wanted to do Donner Redux and reuse the hammy criminal version of Lex Luthor, but he had to make Superman emo instead of confident, quiet instead of friendly, master at lifting instead of someone who could slam a fist into a locomotive. Now, Singer gave us a Superman that seems nothing like the Superman I know, and I wonder how much of the changes were done in order to get Routh, ye of little talent, to appear in the blue and red spandex.
If a reboot is to happen, I hope the WB suits realize that they need someone with natural screen presence and charisma with proven talent to be able to spear head an actual Superman movie.
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