For those who do not know, Geoff Johns has a new comic coming out called "Flash: Rebirth" in which Barry Allen, the "original" Flash, returns. I use originally lightly since most Barry-fans will describe him as such even though Jay Garrick predates Barry by almost 20 years.
Now I ask why? Why the hell bring back the character? First of all the medium has become so inundated with resurrections that death in comic stories has lost all meaning and emotion thus perpetuating the immature reputation of comics. The stories carry no relevance anymore if writers and editors are just going to turn over the progress made by the preceding creators. Morrison got ready to possibly kill Batman and a majority of the reaction from fans was, "he'll be back." Same with Captain America. Is that what people should be feeling when they see beloved characters die.
Secondly, Barry went out like a champ. Barry died saving the multiverse, our universe and all the alternate universes combined. How do you top that? You can't. From now on if Barry's story is to ever end again it will be the least dramatic way possible. Barry meant more dead than he ever did alive. Its an unfortunate fact that most of his fans ignore just to see him punch Captain Cold in the face once more.
Also, Johns tried to sell some bullshit about Barry being the simpler version and easier to understand. I find that hard to believe considering he has to come up with some stupid, confusing, and completely unnecessary reason for his return.
Not only are they resurrecting a long dead character who died honorably and heroically, but they are reducing Wally West, his sucessor, and Jay Garrick, his predecessor, to Barry-groupies. The sneak peak on newsarama.com has the two stroking Barry's ego so much that I wouldn't be surprised if they got on their knees and opened wide. Johns even goes as far to have Red Arrow, Donna Troy, and Nightwing, the former sidekicks of Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Batman to say that Wally was lucky to have such a better mentor than them.
Wally is supposedly getting a new costume and identity and will no longer be referred to as The Flash (even though Johns bullshits his way through Wally fans by saying he'll always be Flash, whatever than means). The downside of that was Wally was originally Kid Flash. He was Barry's sidekick and was basically being trained to take on the role of The Flash when he got older. Conceptually, that is what all the sidekicks are for, but you'll never see it happen since stuffy fanboys refuse to part with characters. Wally successfully made the jump but they want to strip him of the legacy while saying Wally's character will be respected. Doubtful!
Bottom line: Barry Allen being brought back is progression through regression. Johns nor any of the Barry-bias fanboys can come up with a legitmate reason for his return outside of their own selfish motives. Barry died a hero and was succeeded by a character who took on the legacy with grace and honor allowing for great dramatic dynamic of trying to live up to a predecessor, and all of that is being torn down for some Silver Age editorial mandate from DC.
Frankly, I think the horrible Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis would have been far more successful and interesting if his old sidekick, Tempest, had taken the role instead of some random alternate reality version who appeared out of no where. DC, you have the legacy characters for a reason. Use them!
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