Friday, February 13, 2009

Top 10 Comic Adaptations I Want to See

10. Beware the Creeper
When Bruce Timm reintroduced the character in his animated series, I fell instantly in love. Of course DC wasn't as lovestruck until Steve Niles reintroduced the character. The way I envision it is The Creeper, a horror slasher type, is hunting down the mob and a GCPD police officer, like Crispus Allen who probably won't appear in Nolan's flicks, is trying to find. Hit up Sam Rockwell for the Creeper and you have a sleeper hit/cult classic.

9. Daredevil-redux
I tried to leave the remake type stuff off the list, but I have been reading Daredevil more often again and the comic has been consistently awesome. It captures the noir-ish grit and gothic tone Daredevil has come to be, and what the movie was the opposite. Michael C. Hall for Daredevil.

8. Nick Fury/SHIELD
I love Samuel L. Jackson, but I am not excited about Ultimate Nick Fury because he makes chances slim that Hasselhof will be the closest to getting a great Steranko Fury movie. Steranko's Fury was just so cool. It would effectively balance the modern blockbuster sensibilities with the dingy, edgy 70's exploitation movies a la Taxi Driver and Easy Rider

7. Aquaman
When Marvel was first making movies and described Namor as Star Wars underwater, I have been absolutely sold on an underwater Atlantis adventure. I think I'd prefer Aquaman as the subject though. The paralells to Arthurian legends are too good to pass up.

6. The Inhumans
The Inhumans are the result of primitive humans being experimented on by an alien race thus creating a new spieces devoted to isolation and peace. While depicted mostly as antagonists in Fantastic Four, I think the Inhumans present a great oppurtunity for great "science fantasy." It would look like a sci-fi movie, but feel like a period piece. Think along the lines of Dune.

5. Wally West as The Flash
It has gotten to the point in the genre where origin stories just don't cut it anymore. So and so gets power, is clumsy with power, beats the bad guy just bores me now. I'd say it was lucky Downey was so charming in Iron Man, or else it would have been a bore. Seeing Kid Flash graduate to Flash and deal with the pressure of living up to a predessor would present a much more dynamic superhero story.

4. Green Lantern Corps
Emphasis on Corps. I want the whole team fighting battles in space. With the absence of Star Wars and a bland expanded universe and not up to snuff copycats, a big budget space opera would be a welcome version. With 4 very different Earthling GLs who have great chemistry between each other, the audience should find it easy to relate to one of them.

3. Deadpool
Deadpool is easily one of my favorite characters. Cable and Deadpool series certainly made him something so much more than a movie quoting mercenary. He is ripe for a thrilling action movie with a funny memorable hero. Look for a spin off from the Wolverine flick because the Fox producers, the Marvel producers, Hugh Jackman, and Ryan Reynolds (who is cast as DP) seem completely in love with the character.

2. Hitman
Hitman is another one of my favorite characters. Superhero (sorta) who hates his superpowers. A hitman with morals; only going after the bad guys. Think Gross Pointe Blank with superpowers and less romance. Fun Hollywood fluff. It probably won't break any grounds but certainly be fun as hell. Dean Winters IS Tommy Monaghan (The Hitman).

1. Iron Fist
Haven't really been into Iron Fist until his most recent run Immortal Iron Fist. It takes the martial arts superhero from the street level to something much more grand. The tournament for the 7 Cities, the Iron Fist serial killer, and now the Eight City adventure. I just can't see Iron Fist going back to Heroes for Hire after all that. The series has proved to be quite stunning visually, and absolutely thrilling and dramatic without forgetting to be charming and quirky when necessary. I think this would be the groundbreaking comic movie that could follow something The Dark Knight. Upstart Charlie Hunnam would be perfect for Iron Fist, but please no Ray Park or Cyril Raffeli. Fantastic martial artists, but do you really think they can act?

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